Ask : how to lock ipad 2 screen landscape or portrait , lock ipad 2 orientation, landscape orientation lock
Answer : The normal habit iPad screen has its flip the screen orientation as you set about yourposition, for example, shift when laying on a couch and the like. However, there are somesituations where you just keep the screen in portrait or landscape mode fixed.
Video : lock ipad 2 orientation
You can either lock iPad scree orientation in portrait or landscape mode by performing the following steps.
- Double tap on the 'Home' button to display the iPad multitasking bar. This shows all recently used applications.
- Swipe right into the bar to show the elements on the far left of the bar. You will see the icon for the built iPad app controls for the iPad, a brightness slider, and the "OrientationLock 'control on the far left of the bar.
- By clicking on the "Orientation Lock 'tap to force the orientation lock ON and OFF (inwhich mode it is currently in).
Only them. Your iPad screen orientation is now locked in the desired orientation. Just turn on the Orientation Lock make it flexible again.
Source: lock ipad 2 orientation, landscape orientation lock
You can either lock iPad scree orientation in portrait or landscape mode by performing the following steps.
- Double tap on the 'Home' button to display the iPad multitasking bar. This shows all recently used applications.
- Swipe right into the bar to show the elements on the far left of the bar. You will see the icon for the built iPad app controls for the iPad, a brightness slider, and the "OrientationLock 'control on the far left of the bar.
- By clicking on the "Orientation Lock 'tap to force the orientation lock ON and OFF (inwhich mode it is currently in).
Only them. Your iPad screen orientation is now locked in the desired orientation. Just turn on the Orientation Lock make it flexible again.
Source: lock ipad 2 orientation, landscape orientation lock